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People of all abilities experiencing community together!

The purpose of our THRIVE program is to provide opportunities for meaningful interactions between people impacted by disabilities who live in group homes and small groups from the faith community in order to create an environment where authentic community may flourish.


Together in Community
Healthy Lifestyles
Relationship Building
Inspiring Personal & Spiritual Growth
Value & Purpose
Enrichment Opportunities

We all share the need for community, support, and a place to belong, including those who are affected by a disability. While Christian Churches have a significant opportunity to be a welcoming environment to those who are in the special needs community, individuals who are impacted by disabilities have so much to share with others. What a great opportunity for all of us to learn from one another and experience community together!

Why King's Table?

Group Homes:
There are over 400 licensed and private residential group homes in Kent County, Michigan for adults impacted by cognitive impairments. Many of these homes are understaffed and resources are spread thin. They can often be lonely places, sometimes lacking the emotional support residents need.

Those impacted by disabilities are underrepresented in local congregations. Churches may have a desire to connect with their neurodiverse neighbors but are unsure of how to begin. Many times, there is fear, lack of knowledge or experience with those with disabilities that can be a barrier for meaningful interactions.

King's Table exists to bridge that divide. THRIVE was developed to work with both group homes and local churches to help create an environment where people of all abilities may experience community together!

How does it work?

King’s Table makes the connections for service projects and provides training, background checks, and guidance on how to engage in activities with one another based on the ability and preferences of the participants.

Churches choose their level of commitment, from one-time projects, several times a year, or monthly activities. All ages are welcome to participate.

Group Homes choose their level of commitment, from one-time projects, several times a year, or monthly activities. Staff are welcome to join in with the activities.

Interested? Contact us for more information:

Jodee Bruneau

THRIVE Program Director

(616) 676-7390

For more information contact:

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